江蘇教育黃頁訊 倫敦是一座人口眾多的現代都市,它交通便利,人們有多種出行方式可以選擇,比如地鐵、巴士和自行車等。這些交通工具隨著城市的發展也在不停地更新換代。來看一看倫敦最具有代表性的幾種交通方式吧。
倫敦地鐵The Tube
The London underground, also known as the Tube, is the oldest underground railway in the world. It's often the fastest way to get around London because it avoids the heavy traffic (擁堵的交通狀況)above the ground.
倫敦地鐵(The Tube)是世界上最古老的地下鐵路系統。在路面交通嚴重擁堵的情況下,選擇乘坐地鐵會讓你避免浪費時間,從而讓出行更快捷。
乘坐倫敦地鐵的人們最常聽到的廣播提示語 是“注意月臺間空隙(Mind the gap)”
The earliest Tube stations were built in the late 19th century. Now it has become one of the biggest subway systems in the world and has more than 400 kilometres of track (軌道).
倫敦“一卡通”的名稱是“牡蠣卡(Oyster Card)”
?倫敦地鐵線路圖The map
The map of the London Underground was first designed in 1931. It's not really a map which shows the locations of stations, but a simplified (簡化的,簡易的)diagram (示意圖) which tells you how to get from one station to another. This kind of design has now been adopted by underground railways all over the world.
雙層巴士The Double-deckers
London streets are full of buses. They are another common way to get around inLondon. Traditionally, London buses are red double-deckers. The most famousLondon bus is the Routemaster, which began being used in 1957, and was taken out of service (停止運行、服務)in 2005.
These are the buses with the open door at the back, so passengers couldjump on and off even if they weren't at a bus stop. These days there are still double-deckers in London, though they are modern ones more suitable fordisabled passengers and pushchairs (幼兒推車).
?新款“路霸”大巴The new Routemasters
“This is a brand new double-decker bus, bright red, and it's using all the latest environmentally-friendly green (綠色的,環保的) technology. It's got three doors, two staircases, an overall capacity (容量) of 87 passengers. And it can operate with a driver-only or with a conductor (乘務員).”
“The bell is a small piece of technology but those bell pushes are, in fact, wireless (無線的). There's no power to them. They self-generate (自動產生,自動生成(能量等))electricity, a wi-fi signal. It goes to a computer, rings a bell. It saves on wiring (線路) and maintenance (維修).”
Is it dangerous to cycle in London? Although cycling through the busy streets in Central London can be a little intimidating, there are quiet routes throughout the city where you can share your road space with cars.
A keen London cyclist says he uses a special type of route to get to work. These routes are perfect for cycling, and he knows some of the history behind them.
“The Victorians (維多利亞時代的人) left for us a marvellous legacy (歷史遺產) of canals (運河), and a canal has untold (無數的;巨大的)advantages over any other kind of cycle route, because it’s direct and it goes right into the heart of the city pretty well.”
?在倫敦租賃自行車London Cycle Scheme
The London Cycle Hire Scheme was introduced by former Mayor of London, Boris Johnson, to promote fitness(健康狀況)and the idea of a greener city.You can simply drop by any docking station (停靠點,停放站), rent a bike with your bank card and enjoy cycling around the city.
“…and I want to get people out of their cars onto bicycles because I think we have far too many people who waste time sitting in traffic jams going mad bending their steering wheels (方向盤) when they should be on a beautiful new bike like this cycling in lovely London weather across very flat roads in great safety and enjoying the open air.”
如果你想在某段時間內使用不同的公共交通工具,比如地鐵、巴士、有軌電車 trams等,可以按需購買通票Travelcards,可供選擇的有全天票、周票、月票和年票等,價錢也不一樣。
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