Call for Post-Doctoral Researchers Applications
Institute of Information Resources Management (IIRM)
Zhejiang University (ZJU)
Institute of Information Resources Management (IIRM) at Zhejiang University (ZJU) was founded in 1981. As the rapid development and widespread popularization of information technology, global data has been experiencing tremendous growth. IIRM is now facing with new opportunities for development and new challenges in the era of big data. There are ten full-time faculty members: three professors, four associate professors and three assistant professors; and five part-time faculty members: three adjunct professors and two adjunct associate professors. We are focusing on the research work related with quantitative policy analysis, informetrics, digital governance, social computing, and public culture and services.
IIRM offers young researchers opportunities to take advantages of rich resources and conduct research in diverse branches of learning at Zhejiang University, to foster the career development of young researchers. 3-6 postdoc positions of IIRM are currently open to both domestic and international candidates.
Members of the Institute of Information Resources Management
一、 應聘條件
(1) The applicants should have received a PhD degree within the recent two years;
(2) The applicants should have received a PhD degree related to informetrics, computer science, public administration, information science, economics, or management science and engineering;
(3) Priority will be given to the applicants who have published some publications in important conferences, key domestic and international journals.
2. Position Description
(1) Assistant his/her postdoctoral advisor to undertake research projects in the fields of quantitative analysis, informetrics, digital governance, and social computing;
(2) Collaborate with his/her postdoctoral advisor and publish scientific papers in authoritative domestic or international academic journals together;
(3) Fullfill teaching and research activities for undergraduates, postgraduate students, and MPA candidates;
(4) Undertake tasks related to the development of the discipline of information resource management if required.
3.Introduction to Postdoctoral Advisor
Cui Huang, PhD, Professor
國家優秀青年基金獲得者,浙江大學公共管理學院信息資源管理系主任。學術聚焦于政策文獻計量、信息資源管理、數字治理等。出版學術論著4部(專著1部、合著3部);發表學術論文69篇,其中第一作者或通訊作者在Journal of Informetrics、Scientometrics等期刊發表英文論文16篇;在《管理世界》、《公共管理學報》等期刊發表中文學術論文53篇。參編國家規劃教材2部,副主編教材2部;編撰工具書3部。 2009年獲得第五屆中國高校人文社會科學研究優秀成果二等獎(第三獲獎人); 2011年獲第八屆全國商務發展研究成果獎;2015年獲得第七屆中國高校人文社會科學研究優秀成果二等獎(第一獲獎人)。近年來主持國家自然科學基金、國家軟科學項目、歐盟項目等科研項目十余項。擔任《信息資源管理學報》編委、《Scientometrics》、《南開管理評論》等中英文期刊審稿人,科學學與科技政策學會理事等。與美國哈佛大學、加州戴維斯分校、印第安納大學、雪城大學,英國謝菲爾德大學等國際知名高校建立了良好的合作關系,并與部分高校聯合培養研究生。
更多信息請見個人主頁: https://person.zju.edu.cn/huangcui
Dr. Huang is the recipient of the Excellent Young Scientists Fund of the National Natural Science Foundation of China, and currently serves as the Director of Information Resources Management Institute at the School of Public Affairs, Zhejiang University. Her academic focus is on policiometrics, information resource management, and digital governance. She has written four books (one as single author, three as co-author), published 69 academic research papers, and was listed as first author or corresponding author in 16 papers of them, which have been published in Journal of Informetrics, Scientometrics and other English-language journals. 53 of her papers have been published in Management World, Journal of Public Management and other Chinese-language journals. Dr. Huang has participated in the compilation of two national planning textbooks, was co-editor of two textbooks, and has compiled three reference books. In 2009, she received the second prize in the 5th Chinese Universities Humanities and Social Sciences Outstanding Research Achievements (third winner). In 2011, she won the 8th National Business Development Research Achievement Award. In 2015, she won the second prize (first winner) of the 7th Chinese Universities Humanities and Social Sciences Outstanding Research Achievements. In recent years, she has served as the principal investigator on more than 10 research projects, including the National Natural Science Foundation Fund Project, the National Soft Science Project, and the EU Project. She is on the review committee for the Journal of Information Resources Management, and has been a reviewer for both Chinese and English journals, such as Scientometrics and Nankai Management Review. Dr. Huang has also served as a council member for the Chinese Association for Science of Science and S&T Policy. She has established strong collaborative relations with researchers at Harvard University, UC Davis, Indiana University, Syracuse University, the University of Sheffield (UK) and other internationally renowned universities, and has also jointly advised graduate students at some of these universities.
Homepage: https://person.zju.edu.cn/huangcui
Ping Zhou, PhD, Professor
主要研究領域涉及科技評價、科學計量學、科技政策與管理。是荷蘭阿姆斯特丹大學博士,比利時魯汶大學博士后,師從于國際科學計量學界著名學者Loet Leydesdorff教授和Wolfgang Gl?nzel教授,主持多個國家自然科學基金面上和應急管理項目,先后在《Research Policy》、《Journal of the Association for Information Science and Technology》、《Journal of Informetrics》、《Scientometrics》等SSCI一區期刊上發表30多篇論文,在Google Scholar的總被引次數已超1500,有1篇論文連續數年入選ESI前1%高被引論文,該論文迄今在Google Scholar中已被累計引用526次。擔任SSCI期刊《Scientometrics》編委,是本領域頂級國際會議ISSI Conference項目委員會成員(PC member),國外國家科學基金會(如美國國家科學基金會NSF、韓國國家科學基金會NRF等)項目評審專家,許多SSCI期刊論文審稿人。首次將本領域最具影響力機構——荷蘭萊頓大學科學技術研究中心(CWTS)的科學計量學培訓班引進國內,得到國內外青年學者的積極響應。
Dr. Zhou’s main research areas include technology evaluation, scientometrics, and science and technology policy and management. She received her PhD from the University of Amsterdam in the Netherlands with Dr. Loet Leydesdorff and Dr. Wolfgang Gl?nzelas advisors. She was also a postdoctoral researcher at the KU Leuven, Belgium. She has been the PI of several NSFC General Projects and National Emergency Management Projects. Dr. Zhou has published one book in English and about 30 papers in SSCI journals such as Research Policy, Journal of the Association for Information Science and Technology, Journal of Informetrics, and Scientometrics. In Google Scholar, she has received over 1,500 citations. One of her publications has been ranked in the top 1% highly-cited papers in the Essential Science Indicators (ESI), with a total of 526 citations in Google Scholar. She is an editorial board member of Scientometrics and is a Project Committee Member of the 17th ISSI Conference. She also serves as a project reviewer for research funding agencies, such as the NSF in the US and the NRF in South Korea, and is a reviewer for SSCI journals. Dr. Zhou has established strong collaborative relations with leading international researchers and institutions, such as the Center for Science and Technology Research (CWTS) of Leiden University in the Netherlands, and the Centre for Research & Development Monitoring (ECOOM) of KU Leuven in Belgium.
Homepage: https://person.zju.edu.cn/pingzhou
Rongxiao Fu, PhD, Professor
更多信息請見個人主頁: https://person.zju.edu.cn/0091302
Dr. Fu’s main research areas include information resource management, information technology and e-government. He has served as PI on a dozen national research projects, including the National Social Science Fund Project, Ministry of Education Project, the National Electronic Document Management Inter-Ministerial Joint Conference Project, the National Archives Research Project, the Zhejiang Provincial Planning Project, the Provincial Social Union Fund Project, and the Hangzhou Municipal Government (commissioned by the mayor). In addition, he has presided over more than 20 projects commissioned by various government departments and enterprises. Dr. Fu has supervised drafting of national standards as a core member, and has participated in the formulation of the national 12th Five-Year Plan (FYP) and the 12th Five-Year Plan for the Administration of National Electronic Documents. He has also overseen the review or completion of provincial archival efforts for the 12th FYP and the planning of the 12th FYP. He has published four research books, three textbooks, and more than 160 academic papers. Dr. Fu won second prize for Outstanding Achievements of the Ministry of Education; first prize for Outstanding Achievements of the Society of Chinese Archives; third prize for Outstanding Scientific and Technological Achievements of the National Archives Administration of China; and the Excellent Teaching Material Award of the 12th Five-Year Plan of Zhejiang Province. He has served as an expert project reviewer for the National Social Science Fund Project, the Ministry of Education Project, and provincial social science planning projects. Dr. Fu is a member of the Zhejiang Social Science Planning Project Review Group. He is also responsible for publishing the “China Government Internet Transparency Index”.
Homepage: https://person.zju.edu.cn/0091302
l 世界排名前 100 名高校的博士以及其他特別優秀的博士,可申請學校特別資助,如申請成功,年薪35萬以上;
l 知名高校、國家“雙一流”建設高?;驅W科的博士,年薪20萬以上;
l 其他高校博士,年薪18萬以上;
4.Job Benefits
(1) Annual salary ranging from 180,000 RMB to over 350,000 RMB will be provided, depending on the applicant’s merit and existing university policies;
(2) Apartment provided by Zhejiang University is available for rent;
(3) Dependants may enroll in schools nearby the university. The university-run kindergarten serves faculty and staff;
(4) Excellent postdocs have the possibility of being offered faculty positions at Zhejiang University;
(5) Excellent postdocs who have been engaged in postdoctoral research for three or more years after entering Zhejiang University have the opportunity to apply for senior positions;
(6) Independent application of national or provincial research funds are encouraged and supported;
(7) International exchanges are highly encouraged. 10,000-30,000 RMB would be provided for participating in high-level international conferences after passing university review.
聯系人: 李老師
聯系電話:+86 0571 56662178
5.Application Procedures
Openness and fairness will be ensured in application procedures. Interested candidates may send your CV in either Chinese or English to: leelu019@163.com, with the following information in email subject line: Your name + Postdoctoral Application.
Contact: Li, Lu
Phone number: +86 0571 56662178
Address: Room 122, Mengminwei Building, Zijingang Campus, Zhejiang University, No. 866 Yuhangtang Road, Hangzhou, China
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