School: School of Humanities and Social SciencesDepartment: Department of China StudiesPosition: Faculty Position in Chinese HistoryLocation: Suzhou, ChinaContract Type: Fixed-term, renewa...
School: School of Humanities and Social Sciences
Department: Department of China Studies
Position: Faculty Position in Chinese History
Location: Suzhou, China
Contract Type: Fixed-term, renewable. 3rd contract is open-ended
Advertisement Closing Date: 3 January 2023
In 2006 Xi’an Jiaotong-Liverpool University (XJTLU) was created by the University of Liverpool and Xi’an Jiaotong University – a top ten university in China. Offering a unique international education experience, XJTLU brings together excellent research practice and expertise from both institutions and gives students the skills and knowledge they need to secure careers in a global marketplace. XJTLU now has over 25,000 enrolled students in both Suzhou and Liverpool in the UK, with plans to grow to about 28,000 students by 2025. There are currently about 2,000 staff, among which about 1,000 academic staff, with an almost even split between citizens of the People’s Republic of China and international passport holders. XJTLU offers our undergraduates and postgraduates over 100 programmes with a diverse spectrum of courses.
XJTLU is entering a new and exciting phase of its development as part of its strategic priorities for the next ten years. Adopting a new higher education model based on the concept of Syntegrative Education (SE), XJTLU is currently opening a new Entrepreneurial Education site in Taicang, part of wider Suzhou, where the Entrepreneur College (Taicang) is located. The Taicang site will be a pioneer of, and educational model for, the future campus in addressing challenges arising from the 4th Industrial Revolution. Other new initiatives include new working partnerships with Xi’an Jiaotong University, the continued development of the four new Academies, and exploration of further potential locations to develop the SE model.
With a focus on innovative learning and teaching, and research, XJTLU draws on the strengths of its parent universities, and plays a pivotal role in facilitating access to China for UK and other institutional partners. At same time, XJTLU is exploring future education by blending the educational theory, best practice and culture from west and east.
For detailed information about the university, please visit
The School of Humanities and Social Sciences was established in September 2020 to research and educate across different disciplines in humanities and social sciences. The school, supported by over 80 staff from more than 15 countries, consists of six academic departments: China Studies, International Studies, Media and Communication, Applied Linguistics, Literature, and Translation and Interpreting. The school offers a wide range of degree programmes including undergraduate, postgraduate, PhD, as well as International visiting and exchange student programmes. The school hosts the Year in China programme of the University of Liverpool.
The Department of China Studies is an integral part of the Humanities and Social Sciences School. It is a unique composition of committed teachers and researchers that dedicate their efforts to developing teaching programmes and high-quality research. As the academic staff come from all over the world, the Department offers a variety of approaches in teaching and a comprehensive research agenda. All staff members are by default bilingual (English – Chinese), and research and publish in their own discipline, as well as in the field of China studies. Academic activities of the department focus on three areas: China’s history, language and culture; society and politics; and economy and business development. As an education unit, the Department offers undergraduate (BA), and postgraduate (MA and PhD) programmes in China Studies. The language of instruction is English, and all the programmes are open to both Chinese and international students. The Department also offers a one-year Diploma in China Studies for visiting international students and has an active outreach educational programme for staff at XJTLU and the wider community.
For detailed information about the Department of China Studies, please visit
The Department seeks to appoint one Lecturer/Assistant Professor/Associate Professor/Senior Associate Professor in China Studies. The successful appointee should be an expert in Chinese history. He or she will be expected to deliver modules of ‘China’s History: 1027 BCE-1927 AD’, ‘Cities in Chinese History’ or ‘Aesthetics, Art and Design in China’; to supervise Master’s and PhD students; to contribute to the curriculum development; to undertake research in his/her area of specialization on both individual and group projects, and to be actively engaged in the publication of the research; and to participate in the administration and development of the Department of China Studies, the School of Humanities and Social Sciences, or the University.
Essential Qualifications:
·Senior Associate Professor
PhD in History or related field. Ability to conduct sustained, high quality research activity. Evidence of international recognition in the research subject area. Strong organizational skills in learning and teaching, research and management. Evidence of substantive beneficial internationalization activity with measurable outcomes. Evidence of external recognition for teaching and assessment. Excellent language skills in both English and Chinese.
·Associate Professor
PhD in History or related field. Ability to conduct high quality research activity as evidenced for example by publication in international peer reviewed journals, research grant income, and supervision of doctoral students to completion. Good organizational capacity. Evidence of international recognition in the research subject area. Evidence of external recognition for teaching and assessment. Excellent language skills in both English and Chinese.
·Assistant Professor
PhD in History or related field. Good quality research activity, as evidenced for example by peer reviewed publication, grant income. Capacity of delivering high quality, effective teaching in English. Good language skills in both English and Chinese. Ability to establish and maintain effective working relationships with colleagues.
PhD in History or related field. Satisfactory quality research activity. Capacity of delivering good quality, effective teaching in English. Good language skills in both English and Chinese. Ability to establish and maintain effective working relationships with colleagues.
Desirable Qualifications:
·Senior Associate Professor
Distinguished academic leadership within the subject area at an international level. Considerable leadership and management experience, including the effective management and use of resources. Capacity and willingness to assume major leadership roles within the University.
·Associate Professor
Strong organizational skills in learning and teaching, research and management. Evidence of substantive beneficial internationalization activity with measurable outcomes.
·Assistant Professor
Willingness to engage in academic management. Evidence of international recognition in the research subject area.
Good quality research activity, as evidenced for example by peer reviewed publication, grant income.
Employment at Xi’an Jiaotong-Liverpool University is regulated by Chinese Labour Laws, and must comply with the regulations of the provincial government. These regulations stipulate who is eligible for legal employment with regard to obtaining work permits and visas. Please be advised candidates over 65 may be not eligible for a work visa in the P.R. China.
1.Clear career development path with annual review.
2.Professional development trainings are provided.
SALARY: Competitive salary in the market
1.Allowance: XJTLU provide various month/annual/one-off allowances as
·Housing allowance
·Travel allowance
·Kids’ education allowance
·Relocation allowance
2.Commercial insurance: international insurance plans customized for XJTLU staff and family members. (details refer to the University Policy)
3.Paid holidays:
·Statutory Holidays (11 days)
·Annual Leave (36 days)
·Family Matters Leave
·Paid Sick Leave
·Marriage Leave
·Paternity Leave
·Parental leave
4.Working visa and residence permit in China:
XJTLU sponsors working visa and residence permit in China for the staff.
Please submit your application on our university website
Applications must be submitted in a single pdf file that includes 3 parts in the order of:
? A cover letter
? A current CV, including date of birth, country of citizenship, and highest degree level
? Contact Details for Three References
For specific enquiries relating to the position, please email Head of Department, Dr. Geoffrey Chun-fung Chen at For general questions, please contact HR at
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