2020 HSBC China
HOST Supernova
The Road to Future Leader
HSBC Operations, Services and Technology (HOST)
Run customer operations for the business, deliver and manage technology, and provide professional services to HSBC. We do these things through five global HOST functions: COO Office, Operations, Information Technology, Procurement and Corporate Real Estate.
15-month HOST Supernova Programme
Target to develop young talented graduates to be the future leaders of HOST and HSBC, by providing talents with structured fast track programme, and equipping them with technical expertise, personal skills and various exposures cross the HSBC Group, so as to Support HSBC's Group strategy and business growth in China.
What we can offer
Comprehensive training
We provide you with systematic training journey including oversea exposure, classroom training, on the job coaching, and cross function/branch rotation. Access to HSBC Online University will help you at each stage of your career.
Network building
We create opportunities for you to work with colleagues and senior management in different functions and regions. One-on-one buddy and mentoring program will guide and support you on your career development.
Leadership development
You will obtain wider HSBC and financial industrial knowledge, cultivate strong risk awareness and strategic view, and develop people management and leadership skills.
Who we are looking for
·Forward-thinking, innovative talents
·Self-motivated individual with problem
solving skills
·Strong commitment and mobility
·Effective communication, negotiation and
influencing skills
·Responsible and reliable
·Self-discipline and striving to be the best
Eligible requirements
·Fresh graduate in 2020
·GPA 3.0/4.0 or equivalent
·Bachelor or Master degree graduates in
any discipline
Working location
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