南京大學現代生物研究院,簡稱"現代生物院"(Institute of Modern Biology, Nanjing University; IMB),聚焦于創新型生物醫學前沿基礎研究,鼓勵和支持開拓性、系統性的科學探索,致力成為擁有學者型研究...
南京大學現代生物研究院,簡稱"現代生物院"(Institute of Modern Biology, Nanjing University; IMB),聚焦于創新型生物醫學前沿基礎研究,鼓勵和支持開拓性、系統性的科學探索,致力成為擁有學者型研究環境的國際一流生物醫學研究中心。現代生物院林安寧實驗室現面向國內外公開招聘實驗技術員。
林安寧教授1990年在美國阿拉巴馬州立大學伯明翰分校(UAB)獲博士學位。1991年在美國加州大學圣地亞哥分校(UCSD)從事博士后研究。1996年在美國阿拉巴馬州立大學伯明翰分校任準聘助理教授。1999年在美國芝加哥大學任準聘助理教授,2002年晉升為終身副教授,2006年晉升為終身正教授。2009年回國任中科院上海生化與細胞所所長,課題組長,博士生導師,終身正教授, 國家特聘教授。2014年回美國芝加哥大學任終身正教授。2020年回國任南京大學現代生物研究院創院院長,博士生導師,終身正教授,南京大學醫學院附屬鼓樓醫院特聘教授。
林安寧教授是JNK-c-Jun 信號轉導通路的主要發現者之一,在Cell, Nature、Science, Molecular Cell、PNAS等著名國際期刊發表80余篇研究論文,論文總引用數超過20,000次。林安寧教授長期以來研究細胞信號轉導網絡的分子機理及其調控異常在疾病中的作用,其在美國的研究工作長期受到NIH經費支持。在2009到2014年期間,林安寧教授曾擔任科技部重大研究計劃項目首席科學家,其研究工作也得到基金委重點項目支持。目前擔任Molecular and Cellular Biology和Cell Research編委。
1. 細胞信號轉導網絡異常在炎癥、神經退行性疾病和癌癥中的作用
2. 生物人工智能
Zhang, W., Zhangyuan, Y., Wang, F., Jin, K., Shen, H., Zhang, L., Yuan, X., Wang, J., Zhang, H., Yu, W., Huang, R., Xu, X., Yin, Y., Zhong, G., Lin, A*., Sun, B*. (2021). The zinc finger protein Miz1 suppresses liver tumorigenesis by restricting hepatocyte-driven macrophage activation and inflammation. Immunity. DOI: https://doi.org/10.1016/j.immuni.2021.04.027
Zhang, L., Qian, Y., Li, J., Zhou, X., Xu, H., Yan, J., Xiang, J., Yuan, X., Sun, B., Sisodia, S., Jiang, Y., Cao, X., Jing, N., Lin, A*. (2021). BAD-mediated neuronal apoptosis and neuroinflammation contribute to Alzheimer's disease pathology. iScience. DOI: https://doi.org/10.1016/j.isci.2021.102942
Li, J., Zhang L., Zheng, Y., Shao, R., Liang, Q., Yu W., Wang, H., Zou, W., Wang, D., Xiang, J., Lin, A*. (2020). BAD inactivation exacerbates rheumatoid arthritis pathology by promoting survival of sublining macrophages. eLife 9: e56309.
Yan, J., Zhang, H., Xiang, J., Zhao, Y., Yuan, X., Sun, B., and Lin, A*. (2018). The BH3-only protein BAD mediates TNFalpha cytotoxicity despite concurrent activation of IKK and NF-kappaB in septic shock. Cell Res 28, 701-718.
Yan, J., Xiang, J., Lin, Y., Ma, J., Zhang, J., Zhang, H., Sun, J., Danial, N.N., Liu, J., and Lin, A*. (2013). Inactivation of BAD by IKK inhibits TNFalpha-induced apoptosis independently of NF-kappaB activation. Cell 152, 304-315.
Liu, J., Yan, J., Jiang, S., Wen, J., Chen, L., Zhao, Y., and Lin, A*. (2012). Site-specific ubiquitination is required for relieving the transcription factor Miz1-mediated suppression on TNF-alpha-induced JNK activation and inflammation. Proc Natl Acad Sci 109, 191-196.
Liu, J., Zhao, Y., Eilers, M., and Lin, A*. (2009). Miz1 is a signal- and pathway-specific modulator or regulator (SMOR) that suppresses TNF-alpha-induced JNK1 activation. Proc Natl Acad Sci 106, 18279-18284.
Liu, J., Yang, D., Minemoto, Y., Leitges, M., Rosner, M.R., and Lin, A*. (2006). NF-kappaB is required for UV-induced JNK activation via induction of PKCdelta. Mol Cell 21, 467-480.
Yu, C., Minemoto, Y., Zhang, J., Liu, J., Tang, F., Bui, T.N., Xiang, J., and Lin, A*. (2004). JNK suppresses apoptosis via phosphorylation of the proapoptotic Bcl-2 family protein BAD. Mol Cell 13, 329-340.
Tang, G., Minemoto, Y., Dibling, B., Purcell, N.H., Li, Z., Karin, M., and Lin, A*. (2001). Inhibition of JNK activation through NF-kappaB target genes. Nature 414, 313-317.
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Tang, G., Yang, J., Minemoto, Y., and Lin, A*. (2001). Blocking caspase-3-mediated proteolysis of IKKbeta suppresses TNF-alpha-induced apoptosis. Mol Cell 8, 1005-1016.
Purcell, N.H., Tang, G., Yu, C., Mercurio, F., DiDonato, J.A., and Lin, A*. (2001). Activation of NF-kappa B is required for hypertrophic growth of primary rat neonatal ventricular cardiomyocytes. Proc Natl Acad Sci 98, 6668-6673.
Minden, A., Lin, A., Claret, F.X., Abo, A., and Karin, M. (1995). Selective activation of the JNK signaling cascade and c-Jun transcriptional activity by the small GTPases Rac and Cdc42Hs. Cell 81, 1147-1157.
Lin, A., Minden, A., Martinetto, H., Claret, F.X., Lange-Carter, C., Mercurio, F., Johnson, G.L., and Karin, M. (1995). Identification of a dual specificity kinase that activates the Jun kinases and p38-Mpk2. Science 268, 286-290.
Minden, A., Lin, A., McMahon, M., Lange-Carter, C., Derijard, B., Davis, R.J., Johnson, G.L., and Karin, M. (1994). Differential activation of ERK and JNK mitogen-activated protein kinases by Raf-1 and MEKK. Science 266, 1719-1723.
Hibi, M., Lin, A., Smeal, T., Minden, A., and Karin, M. (1993). Identification of an oncoprotein- and UV-responsive protein kinase that binds and potentiates the c-Jun activation domain. Genes Dev 7, 2135-2148.
Lin, A., Frost, J., Deng, T., Smeal, T., al-Alawi, N., Kikkawa, U., Hunter, T., Brenner, D., and Karin, M. (1992). Casein kinase II is a negative regulator of c-Jun DNA binding and AP-1 activity. Cell 70, 777-789.
Lin, A. (2011). ATIA: a link between inflammation and hypoxia. Mol Cell 42, 557-558.
Liu, J., and Lin, A. (2007). Wiring the cell signaling circuitry by the NF-kappa B and JNK1 crosstalk and its applications in human diseases. Oncogene 26, 3267-3278.
Lin, A. (2006). A five-year itch in TNF-alpha cytotoxicity: the time factor determines JNK action. Dev Cell 10, 277-278.
Lin, A. (2006). Regulation of apoptosis by the JNK signaling pathway. In Anning Lin eds., The JNK signaling pathway. TX: Landers Bioscience. 63-69.
Liu, J., and Lin, A. (2005). Role of JNK activation in apoptosis: a double-edged sword. Cell Res 15, 36-42.
Lin, A., and Karin, M. (2003). NF-kappaB in cancer: a marked target. Semin Cancer Biol 13, 107-114.
Lin, A. (2003). Activation of the JNK signaling pathway: breaking the brake on apoptosis. Bioessays 25, 17-24.
Karin, M., and Lin, A. (2002). NF-kappaB at the crossroads of life and death. Nat Immunol 3, 221-227.
- One of the most cited papers in the field (3,092 citations), ISI.
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