School: School of Film and Television Arts, XJTLU Entrepreneur College (Taicang)Position: Faculty Positions, School of Film and Television Arts (All Ranks)Position Information:...
School: School of Film and Television Arts, XJTLU Entrepreneur College (Taicang)
Position: Faculty Positions, School of Film and Television Arts (All Ranks)
Position Information: Open Rank
Academic Discipline: Digital Media Arts, Film Production and Management, TV and Stream Media Production, Cultural and Creative Industry Studies
Location: Suzhou Industrial Park, Jiangsu Province, China
In 2006 Xi’an Jiaotong-Liverpool University (XJTLU) was created by the University of Liverpool and Xi’an Jiaotong University – a top ten university in China. Offering a unique international education experience, XJTLU brings together excellent research practice and expertise from both institutions and gives students the skills and knowledge they need to secure careers in a global marketplace. XJTLU now has over 25,000 enrolled students in both Suzhou and Liverpool in the UK, with plans to grow to about 28,000 students by 2025. There are currently about 2,000 staff, among which about 1,000 academic staff, with an almost even split between citizens of the People’s Republic of China and international passport holders. XJTLU offers our undergraduates and postgraduates over 100 programmes with a diverse spectrum of courses.
With a focus on innovative learning and teaching, and research, XJTLU draws on the strengths of its parent universities, and plays a pivotal role in facilitating access to China for UK and other institutional partners. At same time, XJTLU is exploring future education by blending the educational theory, best practice and culture from west and east.
For detailed information about the university, please visit
The School of Film and TV Arts is part of the newly created Academy of Film and Creative Technology (AFCT), launched on 22nd May 2021. The Academy brings together both the School of Cultural Technology, based within the Entrepreneur College (Taicang), and School of Film and TV Arts, based within the Suzhou Industrial park campus, under one academic roof. Uniquely within XJTLU, the Academy is multi-locational, providing cross-site opportunities for students, staff, industry and society. There are also ambitious plans to develop further educational, research and creative technology facilities in both Yangzhou, Jiangsu Province, and the Great Bay Area.
Building on the core values of the university, the Academy brings together the areas of media, creativity and technology within the context of society to establish an international cultural ecosystem, driven by knowledge generation to advance industry and shape future society.
The aim of the AFCT is to be a community academy serving the alliance of industry and society through:
·Establishing cultural creativity programmes designed to engage, motivate and inspire societies participation.
·Equipping AFCT staff with the tools required to enable them to work with people of all backgrounds, talents and potential.
·Empowering a social, cultural and creative impact model that provides a win win situation for industry, communities and society as a whole.
The School of Film and Television Arts was built on the departmental strengths in communication and culture. With the addition of training in making creative content and arts, the School has been constantly developing a mix of practice, research, creativity and industry engagement with the cultural and creative industry sectors in China and internationally. The School currently offers programmes in Digital Media Arts, TV Production and Filmmaking at UG level, and a new two-year master’s degree in Cultural and Creative Industries, building on the success of its initial degree programme, as well as expanding its research portfolio.
The School of Film and TV Arts is adopting a new higher education model based on the concept of Syntegrative Education (SE). SE is a new model that has been developed by the University to address future challenges from the 4th Industrial Revolution and is a core part of the University’s strategy for the next ten-year development that stresses innovation and entrepreneurship. SE aims at training syntegrative leaders with Management skills, International perspective, Discipline-specific knowledge, and adaptability in Industry (MIDI).
The position seeks individuals who will echo these values and are passionate about undergraduate and graduate student engagement. The School seeks members who can model the excitement of engagement, discovery, and creativity and who are committed to education as an integrated and transformational process.
Successful applicants are likely to have academic and/or industry experience directly related to Film and Video Production, Digital Media Arts, Animation, Visual Effects and/or Interactive Design projects, and areas related to cultural and creative industries. They will be able to demonstrate practical knowledge and understanding of the processes related to one or more of these areas. We are open to applicants who present themselves with high relevance to these areas, which will be examined at interview. Successful applicant will work alongside existing staff whose expertise are geared towards Media and Entertainment industry within SoFTA, and areas of cultural technology within other areas in the Academy.
We are looking for future colleagues who can:
·Understand and have an entrepreneur and innovative mindset, in line with the ethos of the Academy.
·Coordinate and deliver high-quality teaching to undergraduate and graduate students across a range of digital media arts, television production, filmmaking and Cultural/Creative subject areas, as evidenced by peers, students and external examiners.
·Supervise undergraduate and postgraduate students.
·Provide administrative service to the School, the University and its stakeholders.
·Maintain a sustained record of successful PhD supervision.
·Work collaboratively with relevant School(s), Academy, College and University entities to identify opportunities for meaningful and genuine partnership and successful impact-creation for research.
·Conduct high-quality industry-enhanced research and consultancy contracts, evidenced by contribution that output makes to industry, the economy, society, environment or culture, beyond the contribution to academic research.
·Maintain good, sustained, and successful research grants with impact measured by publications in leading journals and other research outputs.
·Create, develop and manage successful research partnerships with industry, academic institutions, and other external organisations.
·Support innovative cross-disciplinary research in line with the Entrepreneur College (Taicang) research themes, and become an ambassador for the School for the promotion of cross-boundary research and teaching activities.
·Manage the media production output of projects within the School or with industry partners, both within the curriculum and in extra-curricular activity approved by the School
·Supervise and/or advise on creative projects
·Engage actively with new educational models and embrace innovative, interactive, technology-enhanced learning, teaching, and assessment approaches; understand and have an entrepreneur and innovative mindset in line with College ethos.
·Contribute to the school’s teaching development through mentoring and supporting early career academics (Associate Professor and above).
·Undertake any other appropriate tasks assigned by the Entrepreneur College or University through the Dean of School or College Senior Management Team.
Successful applicants are expected to have:
·A PhD degree/MFA in areas such as: Digital Media Arts, Film Production and Management, TV and Stream Media Production, Cultural and Creative Industry Studies or be able to demonstrate an equivalent level of professional practice and engagement;
·Self-motivated for innovative teaching.
·Clear understanding of the philosophy and concept of Syntegrative Education (SE).
·Demonstrable past teaching/industry experiences or practices aligned with Syntegrative Education (SE).
·Knowledge of emerging technologies such as VR, AR.
·A commitment to Continual Professional Development in all areas of the role as an academic at the university.
·Ability to work, teach and research in English
·Strong team-work spirit.
·A good track record of engagement with business and industry.
·University-level teaching experience.
·Relevant industry experience.
·Exhibition/show planning and curation
·Appropriate research experience, including working with industry, for the corresponding academic position level.
·Experience in intensive teaching and problem-based learning, and a willingness to be innovative in teaching practices.
·An institutional builder, able to work with wider disciplines across the Taicang campus.
·For non-Chinese applicants, two years, full time, same subject teaching in a college/university is required by the Chinese work permit policy.
For Digital Media Arts Specialisms, also
·Proficient working knowledge of Digital Media Arts-related software, e.g. Adobe Creative Suite, 2D/3D Multimedia Authoring Applications, After Effect, Maya, Interactive Content Developing Tools.
·The ability to teach creative design processes for Digital Media Arts students.
·Knowledge of design management and practical opportunities for aspiring motion designers.
For Film and TV Production Specialisms, also
·Proficient working knowledge of editing, cinematography, lighting or/ directing, screening and creative writing.
·Creative approaches to teaching TV studio production, filmmaking, producing, directing, and storytelling with an emphasis on short film production
·Knowledge of film and TV cinematography, lighting, film arts and aesthetics
For Cultural and Creative Industries specialisms, also
·Knowledge and skills of film, TV and stream media producing, and specialised in production management, marketing, branding, distribution.
·Experiences in areas such as film, media and game production, management, operation, marketing.
·Knowledge of areas such as cultural tourism, heritage, policy, ethics, entrepreneurship, economics.
Employment at Xi’an Jiaotong-Liverpool University is regulated by Chinese Labour Laws, and must comply with the regulations of the provincial government. These regulations stipulate who is eligible for legal employment with regard to obtaining work permits and visas. Please be advised candidates over 65 may be not eligible for a work visa in the P.R. China.
1.Clear career development path with annual review.
2.Professional development trainings are provided.
SALARY: Competitive salary in the market
1.Allowance: XJTLU provide various month/annual/one-off allowances as
·Housing allowance
·Travel allowance
·Education allowance
·Relocation allowance
2.Commercial insurance: international insurance plans customized for XJTLU staff and family members. (details refer to the University Policy)
3.Paid holidays:
·Statutory Holidays (11 days)
·Annual Leave (36 days)
·Family Matters Leave
·Paid Sick Leave
·Marriage Leave
·Paternity Leave
·Parental Leave
4.Working visa and residence permit in China:
XJTLU sponsors working visa and residence permit in China for the staff.
Please submit your application on our university website:
Applications must be submitted in a single pdf file that includes 3 parts in the order of:
? A cover letter
? A current CV, including date of birth, country of citizenship, and highest degree level
? Contact Details for Three References
For specific enquiries relating to the position, please email to Acting Dean of the School and Associate Dean of the Academy, Prof Evelyn Li-Chuan MAI at or to HRBP on Mingyu.Yuan
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