POSITION TITLE: ASSISTANT PROFESSOR/ASSOCIATE PROFESSOR/PROFESSOR DEPARTMENT: Department of Educational Studies, Academy of Future Education ACADEMIC DISCIPLINE: Child Development, Family...
DEPARTMENT: Department of Educational Studies, Academy of Future Education
ACADEMIC DISCIPLINE: Child Development, Family Education
LOCATION: Suzhou, Jiangsu Province
ADVERTISEMENT CLOSING DATE:Until the position has filled. Early submission is strongly encouraged.
JOB ID: 2622
CONTRACT TYPE:Full time ? Part time ?
Three years’ contract, renewable, the third contract will be open-ended.
Located in Suzhou, China, Xi’an Jiaotong-Liverpool University (XJTLU) is a young, dynamic and EMI university founded in 2006, and is a unique collaborative institution and first joint-venture university in China to offer both UK (University of Liverpool) and Chinese (Ministry of Education) accredited undergraduate degrees for more than 100 programmes. XJTLU also aims to become truly research-led and has committed significant investment into research development and the expansion of master’s and PhD student numbers on campus. The university has over 18,000 students and nearly 1000 academic staff representing in excess of 90 nationalities. For detailed information about the university, please visit www.xjtlu.edu.cn
The Academy of Future Education of Xi’an Jiaotong-Liverpool University is an educational innovation ecosystem that focuses on research, exploration, support, and dissemination of philosophy and best practices for future education. The core mission of the Academy is to impact education innovation and reform in China and beyond through a variety of projects and programmes, based on fundamental approaches in educational innovation and systemic development designed to contribute to the future of education. The Academy supports individuals and institutions at all levels, including all the K-15 schools as well as vocational education and higher education institutions.
Four units make up the Academy, namely the Department of Educational Studies (EDS), Institute of Leadership & Education Advanced Development (ILEAD), and Educational Development Unit (EDU), Learning Institute for Future Excellence (LIFE). Key projects of the Academy include the following programmes:
?Master’s and doctoral degree programmes in education
?Research projects on future education
?Education innovation community
?Professional development programmes for educational practitioners
? Student learning excellence support programmes
?Online-onsite hybrid learning environment and resources
The academy supports individuals and institutions at all levels including all the K-15 schools as well as vocational education and higher education institutions.
The Department of Educational Studies (EDS) is guided by a vision to become a glocalized education hub cultivating future educators through student-centred, research-led, and innovative experiences in the syntegrative educational environment. The Department now has 10+ faculty examining a broad array of educational issues, such as life-long education and professional development; student-centred education and educational experience; technology-enhanced education; education management and leadership; child development and family education, or other relevant areas. Educational Studies also hosts an extensive range of postgraduate modules forming two MA programs: MA Global Education and MA Child Development and Family Education. In addition, the Department is developing programs of Doctor of Education (Ed.D.) and MSc Digital Education. Through teaching, research, and public engagement, the academic staff are an integral part of an educational innovation ecosystem that focuses on research, exploration, support, and dissemination of philosophy and best practices for future education.
Applications are invited for the Assistant Professor/Associate Professor/Professor position in the disciplinary topic of education management at the Department of Educational Studies, Academy of Future Education at Xi'an Jiaotong-Liverpool University, a joint venture established in 2006 by the University of Liverpool, UK and Xi’an Jiaotong University, China.
The Department of Educational Studies is looking for future colleagues from candidates in all the fields of language and cognitive psychology; developmental psychology; social psychology, early childhood studies, family education and counseling; educational research methodology and psychometric assessment; or other relevant areas who can:
?Embrace innovative, interactive, student-centered learning, teaching, and assessment approaches.
?Understand and have an innovative spirit and transformational approach in education, in line with the ethos of XJTLU and the Academy of Future Education.
?Deliver high-quality teaching to graduate students, have a track record in teaching and evaluation as examples.
?Supervise postgraduate students in thesis and dissertation.
?Conduct high-quality research and be able to evidence the ability or potential to produce high-quality research publications.
?Provide administrative services as expected at all levels to the School, the University, and its stakeholders, and support extra-curricular activities for students, staff, and discipline as expected.
?Demonstrate appropriate professional experience.
?Perform all other duties assigned by the supervisor or manager.
?Applicants with a terminal degree (e.g., PhD, EdD) from a wide range of areas, including language and cognitive psychology; developmental psychology; social psychology, early childhood studies, family education and counseling; educational research methodology and psychometric assessment; or other relevant areas, are welcome.
?Fluent in English and the ability to effectively deliver postgraduate-level modules in English as a Medium of Instruction (EMI) context, particularly on master's degree programmes.
Assistant Professor:
?Teaching experience at the postgraduate level, particularly on master's degree programmes.
?Able to work in a diverse and dynamic environment where a cross-team or department collaboration is encouraged.
Associate Professor:
?Rich teaching experience at the postgraduate level, particularly on master’s degree programmes.
?Proficient in working in a diverse and dynamic environment where a cross-team or department collaboration is encouraged.
?High quality and innovative teaching experiences at the postgraduate level, particularly on master’s degree programmes.
?Strong leadership in working in a diverse and dynamic environment where a cross-team or department collaboration is encouraged.
Assistant Professor:
?A track record in research on language and cognitive psychology; developmental psychology; social psychology, early childhood studies, family education and counseling; educational research methodology and psychometric assessment; or other relevant areasis preferred.
?Practical experiences working with children and families are desirable.
?Experiences in innovative teaching and curriculum development.
Associate Professor and above:
?An international collaborative research profile in language and cognitive psychology; developmental psychology; social psychology, early childhood studies, family education and counseling; educational research methodology and psychometric assessment; or other relevant areas and a successful record of research funding are preferred.
?Experience in successful supervision of doctoral students in education or closely relevant field.
?Substantial practical experiences working with children and families are desirable.
?Rich experiences in innovative teaching and curriculum development.
?A strong track record in designing and delivering education programmes, executive coaching, academic supervision, and management consulting for educational institutions and practitioners is also desirable.
?Strong connections with scholars and practitioners in the field and taking a leadership role at professional associations nationally and/or internationally.
Members of Academic Staff are entitled to subsidies for accommodation, travel, and children’s education, medical insurance, and a one-time relocation allowance is provided. Overseas staff may receive a tax “holiday,” depending on nationality and personal circumstances.
Employment at Xi’an Jiaotong-Liverpool University is regulated by Chinese Labour Laws, and must be comply with the regulations with the provincial government. These regulations stipulate who is eligible for legal employment with regard to obtaining work permits and visas.
Please apply online.
Applications must be submitted in a single pdf file that includes 3 parts in the order of:
?A cover letter
?A current CV, including date of birth, country of citizenship, and highest degree level
?Contact Details for Three References
Applications should be received by the closing date stated above.
For specific enquiries relating to the position, please email the Head, Department of Educational Studies, Rong Wang at rong.wang@xjtlu.edu.cn. Informal enquiries may be addressed to HR at juan.chen@xjtlu.edu.cn.
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