聘任單位 Department | 材料科學與技術學院 College of Materials Science and Technology |
流動站Mobile Station (一級學科) ( Academic Discipline) | 材料科學與工程 Materials Science and Engineering |
招聘人數 Number of recruits | 1 |
崗位職責 Responsibilities | 1. 開展電催化及相關領域的研究工作,包括:電催化劑的設計及機理研究,金屬空氣電池的設計及性能研究,鋰硫電池的設計及性能研究,金屬腐蝕與防護技術及相關應用; 2. 協助實驗室日常運行管理。 1. Research on electrocatalysis technology and applications, including: study on the design and reaction mechanism of electrocatalysts, study on the design and electrochemical performance of lithium sulfur batteries, study on the design and electrochemical performance of metal air batteries and related technology and application of metal corrosion and protection; 2. Assist the laboratory routine operation management. |
聘用條件 Required qualification | 1.年齡不超過35周歲; 2.英語水平流利; 3在電催化領域以第一作者至少發表3篇高水平論文 1.No more than 35 years old. 2.A fluent level of English is mandatory. 3.Published at least 3 high-level papers as the first author in the field of electrocatalysis |
薪酬 Salary | 1.全職博士后至少18萬元/年;外籍博士后:3-5萬美元; 2.學校提供博士后公寓; 3.優秀者可競聘正式編制教職。 1.Full-time post doctoral: 180,000 RMB or more; Foreign postdoctor: US $30,000-50,000. 2.The post-doctoral apartments are provided; 3.Excellent candidates may compete for full clerical positions. |
合作導師 Supervisor |
Yanyu Liang |
聯系人 Contact | 梁彥瑜 Yanyu Liang |
聯系電話 Telephone | liangyy403@126.com(郵件標題注明:應聘崗位+畢業院校+本人姓名+高校人才網) |